29 comments on “Digitech JamMan stereo MIDI sync

  1. Hello,

    i used some parts of your circuit and code for my own project.
    I use an ATTiny45 to read Control Changes and switch two relays, but i had much trouble with reading the midi signal.
    The Tiny runs with its internal Oszillator at 8MHz because I need all pins and cant use an external Crystal.
    The problem is that the Oszillator isn’t well calibrated by Atmel. It can differs +-10%.
    A Control Change command consists of three bytes. There was a 3-5% chance to receive all bytes correct.

    Did you ever had issues by receiving the signals?
    I had to calibrate the OSCCAL register to trim the internal Oszillator.

    • Hi,

      I’m running the Attiny85 at 5.25V, perhaps that’s why it’s stable. Plus a MIDI Clock message is only one byte long whereas a CC is 3 bytes long. I did not do anything with the OSCCAL register since I did not have to.

      I did not have any issues with receiving MIDI data, although I don’t remember if I tested the circuit with an intense flow of data. For now I just send a clock signal to it without any other MIDI messages.

  2. Hey aminaut! Great work!

    I’m going to start work on something similar but a bit simpler. Syncing the Jamman with my eurorack modular synth system – the clock signals are usually I think around 3-5V and I have a clock divider and a clock multiplier. Am I right in thinking I could basically put a mini jack socket output in the circuit by the LED tempo output, and that’ll give a voltage pulse? I haven’t measured it yet but presume it may need attenuating. Then I’d like to do things the other way round have a mini jack socket to optocoupler to stereo jack plug for sending tempo through the foot switch input.

    Just wondering if you have any tips, thoughts or ideas before I get started since you’ve done all this before?

    Thanks! Feel free to email me if you prefer


    • Hi,

      – if I understand correctly you want to sync JamMan to the Euro-rack by using the tap tempo input foot-switch input on the JamMan? That’s what my MIDI to tap tempo does, but the JamMan starts to drift out of sync in ca. 2-3 minutes so it needs re-syncing. So a better solution would be to sync the Euro-Rack to the JamMan. I’m almost finished with that circuit and code, will post it soon.

      – You can use the LED tempo output, but you have to watch out how much current you’re going to drain, since the opto-coupler might not get enough current to switch on, plus the Attiny85 has limits on how much current it can source.

      – “Then I’d like to do things the other way round have a mini jack socket to optocoupler to stereo jack plug for sending tempo through the foot switch input.”

      Well that’s exactly what attiny85 circuit above does, or did you want to use it for something else other than the JamMan?

    • Hi,

      well the placement of the resistor does not matter, the current will be the same. But ye, in the schematic above the resistor is connected to pin 4 of the midi socket, and the anode of the diode to pin 5.

  3. hi , i tried to upload the second code and it gives me error? the first code is ok ready for uploading ,,
    i want to ask? can i use the first code with the second circuit? it will work or not?
    i use digispark tiny85 ,with digispark arduino 1.0.4. softwere on mac..
    this is the error
    sketch_jul25a:89: error: stray ‘\’ in program
    sketch_jul25a:39: error: ‘unsignedlong’ does not name a type
    sketch_jul25a.ino: In function ‘int main()’:
    sketch_jul25a:79: error: ‘last_midi_event_time’ was not declared in this scope
    sketch_jul25a:89: error: ‘unsignedlong’ was not declared in this scope
    sketch_jul25a:89: error: expected `;’ before ‘current_time’
    sketch_jul25a:91: error: ‘current_time’ was not declared in this scope
    sketch_jul25a:95: error: ‘last_midi_event_time’ was not declared in this scope

    • Hi,

      these look like type errors. Missing ‘;’ , unsignedlong instead of unsigned long. Also undeclared variables. Are you sure you copied and pasted everything properly? From here:

      This sketch listens to incoming midi clock messages on port RX and pulses output tempo_pin each quarter note,
      i.e. every 24th clock tick
      Written for Attiny85 but can be modified for other Atmega, Attiny MCU's
      IMPORTANT! Don't use pins RX, TX for anything else other than the SoftwareSerial library
      more details, schematics, etc.. here: https://ambinaut.wordpress.com/2014/07/14/digitech-jamman-stereo-midi-sync/
      #define F_CPU 8000000UL //Define the speed the clock is running at. Used for the delay.h functions
      #include <avr/io.h> //Include the headers that handles Input/Output function for AVR chips
      #include <util/delay.h> //Include the headers that allow for a delay function
      #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Arduino Software Serial library
      #include <avr/sleep.h> // Lib for sleep modes
      #include <avr/interrupt.h> //Lib for interrupts
      #define tempo_pin 1 //Physical pin 6, or PB1 on the Attiny85
      byte midi_msg = 0; //stores incoming midi messages, only 1 byte needed, real time msgs are one byte long
      byte clockpulse = 0; //stores current midi clock tick number
      unsigned long last_midi_event_time = 0; //time of the last incoming midi event
      SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 4); // RX, TX Physical pins 2, 3
      void init_io(void)
      DDRB |= _BV(tempo_pin); //set tempo_pin and test_led as outputs
      PORTB &= ~(_BV(tempo_pin)); //set the pins to LOW
      int main(void)
      while (1) { //endless loop
      if (mySerial.available()) {
      midi_msg = mySerial.read();
      last_midi_event_time = millis();
      midi_clk_to_pulse(); //see below
      //if there's no more incoming midi for longer than 1000ms, set tempo_pin LOW
      else {
      unsigned long current_time = millis() – last_midi_event_time;
      if (current_time > 1000){
      midi_msg = 0xFC; //midi stop message
      last_midi_event_time = 0;
      } //END while (1) – endless (main) loop
      void midi_clk_to_pulse(){
      switch(midi_msg) {
      case 0xFC: //midi stop message
      clockpulse = 0;
      PORTB &= ~(_BV(tempo_pin)); //turns tempo_pin off
      case 0xFA: //midi start message
      clockpulse = 0;
      PORTB &= ~(_BV(tempo_pin)); //turns tempo_pin off
      case 0xF8: //midi clock pulse
      clockpulse = clockpulse + 1;
      switch (clockpulse){
      case 1:
      PORTB |= (_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin HIGH
      case 8:
      PORTB &= ~(_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin LOW
      case 24: // second quarter begin
      PORTB |= (_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin HIGH
      case 32:
      PORTB &= ~(_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin LOW
      case 48: // third quarter begin, middle of the measure
      PORTB |= (_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin HIGH
      case 56:
      PORTB &= ~(_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin LOW
      case 72: //fourth quarter begin
      PORTB |= (_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin HIGH
      case 80:
      PORTB &= ~(_BV(tempo_pin)); //tempo_pin LOW
      case 96:
      clockpulse = 0; // resets the clock pulse counter, 96 pulses = 1 measure in 4/4
      break; //END case 0xF8:
      } // END switch (clockpulse)
      } // END switch(midi_msg)
      } //END midi_clk_to_pulse()
      void sleep() {
      GIMSK |= _BV(PCIE); // Enable Pin Change Interrupts
      PCMSK |= _BV(PCINT2); // Use PB2 as interrupt pin
      ADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADEN); // ADC off
      set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // replaces above statement
      sleep_enable(); // Sets the Sleep Enable bit in the MCUCR Register (SE BIT)
      sei(); // Enable interrupts
      sleep_cpu(); // sleep
      cli(); // Disable interrupts
      PCMSK &= ~_BV(PCINT2); // Turn off PB2 as interrupt pin
      sleep_disable(); // Clear SE bit
      ADCSRA |= _BV(ADEN); // ADC on
      sei(); // Enable interrupts
      } // sleep

  4. Hi, i’m having trouble finding the Attiny85 MCU in my contry, is there any other microcontroler that i can use?

  5. Hello again, I would liko to know whitch one of the 6 tips you used in the 4n35 and the LTV817 and if that one can be replaced for another one and if so, whitch one. Also I’m having trouble to know what you meant in R2 and R7 whith the number after the “k” in “3k6 and 5k1”.

  6. Can this also be used to sync a delay to the jamman. I want to record a loop and then use jamman sync to trigger a tap tempo

    • “I want to record a loop and then use jamman sync to trigger a tap tempo”

      Can you describe the chain of equipment, which output goes to which input on which device?

      • I recently bought a solo xt and i want to connect the jam sync out to an arduino board. The arduino board controls a relay that connects to a zoom g3. I have two wires soldered to the tap tempo button. If those wires connects it has the same effect as when i push the button on the zoom g3.

        I already test this with a normal midi clock and i hope that i just have to change the byte midi_start, midi_stop, midi_clock and midi_continue

        the arduino sketch is:
        int counter = 0;
        int output_pin = 6; // set output pin
        int inPin = 7;
        int val = 0;
        byte midi_start = 0xfa;
        byte midi_stop = 0xfc;
        byte midi_clock = 0xf8;
        byte midi_continue = 0xfb;
        int play_flag = 0;
        byte data;
        int buttonState = 0;

        void setup() {
        pinMode(output_pin, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(inPin, INPUT);
        buttonState = digitalRead(inPin);

        void loop() {
        if((counter == 0) && (val==0)) {

        digitalWrite(output_pin, HIGH);


        if(Serial.available() > 0) {
        data = Serial.read();
        if(data == midi_start) {
        play_flag = 1;
        if (data == midi_stop) {
        counter = 0;
        val = 0;
        else if(data == midi_continue) {
        play_flag = 1;
        else if(data == midi_stop) {
        play_flag = 0;
        else if((data == midi_clock) && (play_flag == 1)) {

        void Sync() {

        if (buttonState == HIGH) {
        counter = 0;
        val = 0;

        if((counter == 23) && (val 22) && (val=5)) {
        digitalWrite(output_pin, HIGH);

        else if(counter < 23) {
        counter = counter + 1;
        digitalWrite(output_pin, LOW);


    • @wessel van der burg
      so the device chain looks like this?

      (my jamman sync circuit) – arduino board – relay – two wires soldered to tap tempo button on the zoom g3


  7. the solo xt sends out a jamsync message to the arduino board. Arduino board drives the relay. Relay controls tap tempo.

  8. hi, thanks for this project, looks like exactly what i need.
    question: since i have zero experience with chip programming, i assume the easiest way for me to try this out is to get one of those tiny boards with built-in usb support:
    will this work? the pinout looks fine, all necessary pins available, but wouldn’t the circuit on the board interfere somehow with your design?


    • Hi,
      you can use any Arduino board for this, only the code needs to be modified for the specific MCU.
      I usually get the cheapest ones from eBay, for under 2 bucks you can get a arduino mini nano micro with a Atmega328 on it, and for like 3 bucks you can get a board that also has a dedicated USB chip on it.

      The Digispark board does not have a separate USB chip so you need a programmer for it.
      A way to do it is to buy a cheap (under 2 bucks) USBASP programmer and the Digispark board or a Attiny85 chip, build the above circuit and use Arduino IDE to program the chip. It’s easy and there are a lot of tutorials on youtube.

  9. This looks like THE THING for me! I want to sync the Looperman Stereo with Korg Volca Sample’s tempo, will this work? Since I am a complete rookie in this field (electronics, programming, circuits etc.) can you build one for me? Thank you soooo much, I have all the music ideas and concept but no technical knowledge to make it work. Thank you and greetings from Slovenia.

    • Hi, the above circuit with the attiny can’t be used to sync the two devices.
      There is another circuit that NEEDS to be MODIFIED (read update) and will sync any MIDI device with MIDI clock input to the JamMan stereo looper.

      Click Track to MIDI Clock converter

      At the moment I’m in the process of moving so I can’t build anything.
      Best regards

  10. Hi, do you have a components list for the Digitech Jamman Stereo Midi Sync?

    I own a Stereo Looper /Phraser Sampler with a similar stereo input for the remote control. I also want to tap in from a Midi Master Clock.

    I was looking for a DIY solution so I can combine Live loops ( recording on the Jamman ) with a simple synth sequencer or drum computer.

    I am no expert at electronics so a components list would help a lot.

    Thanks in advance

    Best Regards Thomas

    • Hi, if you want to convert midi clock messages to tempo taps, then the circuit should work.
      You’ll need:

      1) 4n35 or similar speed optocoupler for the MIDI input.
      2) LT817 or similar for the output.
      3) Attiny85 or another AVR mcu, e.g. arduino with 168 or 328 atmega.
      4) Some LED’s, resistors and some capacitors (the values are written on the schematic picture).
      5) A push button if you want the circuit with the reset button.
      6) A few 1n4148 diodes.

      I hope that helped

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